$3.5 Trillion Budget Reconciliation Package Includes Mass Amnesty for Millions of Illegals

by Eric Lendrum


The Democrats’ massive budget reconciliation package, finally revealed on Monday, includes a plan to give mass amnesty to “millions of” illegal aliens in the United States, according to The Hill.

The $3.5 trillion spending package will provide $107 billion for the Senate Judiciary Committee to determine the fastest route for providing blanket amnesty, with a deadline of September 15th to come up with such a solution. The bill itself does not single out any particular group of illegals or preferred methods, but instead orders the committee to provide “lawful permanent status for qualified immigrants,” as well as handing out green cards to “millions of immigrant workers and families.”

The bill’s proposal represents a drastic expansion of Democrats’ prior amnesty efforts, which previously only covered so-called “Dreamers,” illegal aliens who came to the United States as minors. New proposals put forward by Democrats in the House of Representatives have also called for giving amnesty to illegals who work on farms, illegals who hold jobs that have been declared “essential” during the pandemic, and illegals who have already been granted Temporary Protected Status (TPS). This would ultimately account for roughly 10 million illegals who would immediately be given amnesty under the new plan.

Republicans in the Senate have tried to negotiate the amnesty down to just 700,000 by encompassing only those who would have qualified under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) plan, an executive order signed by then-President Barack Obama which was recently overturned by a federal judge in Texas. Senators John Cornyn (R-Texas) and Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) have specified that their counter-proposal would only affect the 700,000 who applied during the Obama Administration, and not the 1.3 million who attempted to apply during the Trump Administration.

In response, Democrats referred to debunked economic arguments claiming that illegals are good for the economy, with Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) saying that “the deportation of hundreds of thousands of DACA recipients who are helping our nation’s economy recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic makes little sense.”

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.








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8 Thoughts to “$3.5 Trillion Budget Reconciliation Package Includes Mass Amnesty for Millions of Illegals”

  1. Barbara Yano

    This is Communism 101. Blanket amnesty to millions of illegals is placed in this package to bolster the democrat base and secure electoral success for generations. Amnesty must NOT be included in the .3.5 reconciliation package or any other bill. This is just another way for Democrats to corrupt future elections. Democrats know they are losing White American voters, so they want Black/Brown migrants to supplant those votes.

  2. Roger

    Communisn has conquered The U.S.A.

  3. stpaulchuck

    this has got to be stopped – the ENTIRE bill, not just this

  4. Deborah


  5. Bird Dog

    The fascist democRAT-Communist party will stop at nothing in their efforts to destroy America.

    1. Stalin Hitler

      You forgot Union Confederate, white supremacist, ..fascist, communist. Are you retarded? You can’t be a fascist and a communist. They are polar opposites.

  6. Legal Eagle

    Send the leeches back to where they cam from!!

  7. Dan

    Anyone who doesn’t think Republicans are in on this should think again. The Great Replacement is real.


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